Sunday, October 31, 2010


Bills vs. Chiefs
Looked like the Bills were completely out of it down by seven late in the game but they fought back.  Too bad they couldn't complete the game and capitalize off a Succop left shank.  My boys lost 13-10 in OT vs a very talented Chiefs.
Jets shutout?
Can anyone fill me in on how the Jets and the Sanchise got shut out?  Wow what a disappointment.  Packers must be the Real Deal

PAC -10 showdown
The Trojans showed signs of the gladiators of old but the duo of Mayo and Thompson was too much for them.  Trojans lose 53-32.  Lane Kippin was speechless at the press conference.  The Trojans allowed the ducks to amass over 600yds of total offense and convert 11 of 16 3rd downs.   

Tiger not # 1
for the first time in five years Tiger Woods not the #1 golfer in the world.  The golf world has turned their backs on the guy as most feel he won't ever win a major ever again  HOGWASH stop HATING on him and give him a Lil time.  Funny thing is people will probably jump right back on the bandwagon when/if he does start winning again.

Miami Legit or not?
The heat put a good whoop-in on the nets amassing over 100 point (118) and showing the Nets they are not just hype.  Give them a little more time and they will be hushing all the NAY Sayer's.  

Battle of Cali
Lakers and Warriors are going to square off, and the league is wondering who is the better of the two.  The warriors have scored 100 plus points in their two games and the Lakers have allowed over 200 points in their two games .  Does defense really win championships or can Kobe outscore them all?  

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